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Behind the scenes 

An interview with owner Jörg Steiner and actor Ferdinand Seebacher about Lodenwalker Ramsau

Jörg Steiner and Ferdinand Seebacher chat about Lodenwalker Ramsau, the Steiner Boys and their first ascent of the southern wall of the Dachstein, Arnold Schwarzenegger who participated in an ice stock sport game and much more. Experience an exciting journey into the past. Please note the interview is only available in German.

Time travel

A century-long journey through tradition & history of Lodenwalker Ramsau


First documented reference

in the Admont land register:

Stubich and Eberl pay the provost 3 ells of Ennstaler cloth as a tax

Loden, which is produced in the area in excellent quality

Since that time, documentary records, purchase contracts and tax payments can be traced via the "Walchstampf in Ramsau, Rössing".

Hand drawing of the old Ramsau Lodenwalke in 1434

Time travel

A century-long journey through tradition & history of Lodenwalker Ramsau


First documented reference

According to the Admont land register: "Stubich and Eberl pay the provost 3 ells of Ennstaler cloth as a tax" and "Loden, which is produced in the area in excellent quality".

Since that time, documentary records, purchase contracts and tax payments can be traced via the "Walchstampf" (loden mill) in Ramsau, Rössing".

Hand drawing of the old Ramsau Lodenwalke in 1434


Forces of nature

A bill of sale dated April 24, 1608 shows that the "Walchstampf in Ramsau, Rössing" had to be relocated to the "other bank of the mountain torrent" because it had already been destroyed three times by flooding.
Flood destroys the old Lodenwalke Ramsau in 1608


Forces of nature

A bill of sale dated April 24, 1608 shows that the "Walchstampf in Ramsau, Rössing" had to be relocated to the "other bank of the mountain torrent" because it had already been destroyed three times by flooding.
Flood destroys the old Lodenwalke Ramsau in 1608


The new age

Approx. around 1825 the way of working and the Lodenwalker changed. The first carding machine was purchased. Ox-drawn carts brought the machine from Leoben to Ramsau, Rössing. It took two weeks to transport the valuable machine.


The new age

Approx. around 1825 the way of working and the Lodenwalker changed. The first carding machine was purchased. Ox-drawn carts brought the machine from Leoben to Ramsau, Rössing. It took two weeks to transport the valuable machine.


From service provider to producer

Over the centuries, Lodenwalke managed itself from a pure "fulling business" that initially only offered fulling services to a fully integrated production and became an important fabric supplier for the entire region.


From service provider
to producer

Over the centuries, Lodenwalke managed itself from a pure "fulling business" that initially only offered fulling services to a fully integrated production and became an important fabric supplier for the entire region.


Making progress

Around 1860, Johann Walcher set up the first mechanical spinning mill in the Lodenwalke. His son Zacharias Walcher bought the first mechanical weaving looms and hand knitting machines from Germany. He invented the fulling of thick sheep's wool socks.


Making progress

Around 1860, Johann Walcher set up the first mechanical spinning mill in the Lodenwalke. His son Zacharias Walcher bought the first mechanical weaving looms and hand knitting machines from Germany. He invented the fulling of thick sheep's wool socks.


The name Steiner reaches the Lodenwalke

Around 1880, the daughter Susanna Walcher married the mountain guide and first climber of the "Bischofsmütze" Johann Steiner. This is how the name Steiner came into the family.

Johann and Susanna Steiner in 1880, Lodenwalke Ramsau


The name Steiner
reaches the Lodenwalke

Around 1880, the daughter Susanna Walcher married the mountain guide and first climber of the "Bischofsmütze" Johann Steiner. This is how the name Steiner came into the family.

Johann and Susanna Steiner in 1880, Lodenwalke Ramsau


Old loden mill in Mandling

In 1888 the Lodenwalke in Mandling was founded by Philipp and Aloisia Stiegler. The name change took place in 1910 when Franz Steiner (son of Johann and Susanna Steiner) took over the business from his uncle and aunt.
Lodenwalke Mandling with owner in 1888


Old loden mill in Mandling

In 1888 the Lodenwalke in Mandling was founded by Philipp and Aloisia Stiegler. The name change took place in 1910 when Franz Steiner (son of Johann and Susanna Steiner) took over the business from his uncle and aunt.
Lodenwalke Mandling with owner in 1888


The Steiner Boys

In 1909, the brothers Franz and Irg (Georg) Steiner achieved a milestone in mountaineering. On September 22, 1909, the sons of the Lodenwalke climbed the south wall of the Dachstein for the first time. At that time the route was called the "Steiner boys’ ladder to heaven". Today it’s commonly known as the Steiner path.


The Steiner Boys

In 1909, the brothers Franz and Irg (Georg) Steiner achieved a milestone in mountaineering. On September 22, 1909, the sons of the Lodenwalke climbed the south wall of the Dachstein for the first time. At that time the route was called the "Steiner boys’ ladder to heaven". Today it’s commonly known as the Steiner path.

Franz and Irg (Georg) Steiner in 1909


Richard Steiner takes over

After years of training with his brother Franz in Mandling, Richard Steiner returned to the Lodenwalke Ramsau in 1925. As the youngest of 7 children of Johann and Susanna Steiner, he took over the Lodenwalke in 1930 at the age of only 23.
Richard was a passionate icestocksport player and European champion in the discipline long shot.


Richard Steiner takes over

After years of training with his brother Franz in Mandling, Richard Steiner returned to the Lodenwalke Ramsau in 1925. As the youngest of 7 children of Johann and Susanna Steiner, he took over the Lodenwalke in 1930 at the age of only 23. Richard was a passionate icestocksport player and European champion in the discipline long shot.


Farewell to the "Old Lodenwalke"

After the flood of 1938, the entire Lodenwalke complex was once again destroyed. Since hydropower was no longer the only source of energy, the new building could now be built safely on a hill above the "wild Ramsau stream". On the initiative of Richard Steiner, the road towards Weißenbach was expanded and the so called "Strimitz path" was built.


Farewell to the
"Old Lodenwalke"

After the flood of 1938, the entire Lodenwalke complex was once again destroyed. Since hydropower was no longer the only source of energy, the new building could now be built safely on a hill above the "wild Ramsau stream". On the initiative of Richard Steiner, the road towards Weißenbach was expanded and the so called "Strimitz path" was built.


Electricity from hydropower

Water power has been used as a source of energy from the very beginning, originally with a mill wheel. In 1940, the Silberkar and Ramsau stream dam power stations were built, which have been supplying the Lodenwalker with 100% green electricity ever since. In the same year, the main building was extended and the production hall expanded.


Electricity from hydropower

Water power has been used as a source of energy from the very beginning, originally with a mill wheel. In 1940, the Silberkar and Ramsau stream dam power stations were built, which have been supplying the Lodenwalker with 100% green electricity ever since. In the same year, the main building was extended and the production hall expanded.


Extension of the Lodenwalker

In the years 1972 - 1975 the main building was extended again to meet the requirements for production and storage facilities.


Extension of the Lodenwalker

In the years 1972 - 1975 the main building was extended again to meet the requirements for production and storage facilities.


Takeover Richard Steiner and expansion of the restaurant

After the death of Richard Steiner, his son Georg Zacharias Steiner takes over the Lodenwalke. With the takeover, the Swiss pine dining room was also renovated and expanded. His wife, Karin Steiner, a passionate cook made sure that the physical well-being of the guests was well looked after.


Takeover Richard Steiner and expansion of the restaurant

After the death of Richard Steiner, his son Georg Zacharias Steiner takes over the Lodenwalke. With the takeover, the Swiss pine dining room was also renovated and expanded. His wife, Karin Steiner, a passionate cook made sure that the physical well-being of the guests was well looked after.


Jörg Steiner now manages the company

As the eldest son of Georg and Karin Steiner, Jörg Steiner took over his parents' business at the age of 25 after years of apprenticeship and learning. The sales room of the Lodenwalke was renewed and expanded.

Jörg Steiner, shown with raw wool, owner of Lodenwalke Ramsau since 2006


Jörg Steiner now manages the company

As the eldest son of Georg and Karin Steiner, Jörg Steiner took over his parents' business at the age of 25 after years of apprenticeship and learning. The sales room of the Lodenwalke was renewed and expanded.

Jörg Steiner, shown with raw wool, owner of Lodenwalke Ramsau since 2006


New label LWS

Foundation of the new label LWS - Lodenwalker Steiner. With this label, modern design with special wearing comfort and new ideas moves into the traditional company. Above all, the sports area is being revitalised.


New label LWS

Foundation of the new label LWS - Loden Walker Steiner. With this label, modern design with special wearing comfort and new ideas moves into the traditional company. Above all, the sports area is being revitalised.


Lodenwalker goes online

Until 2014, the Lodenwalker located in Ramsau Rössing was the only point of sale for quality Lodenwalker clothing. The online shop becomes the first point of sale outside of Ramsau am Dachstein and thus accessible to customers from all over the world.